Thursday, June 16, 2016

Obstruction, Inconsistencies and Lies, the foundation of the Transitional Government of South Sudan

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart I share this news related to the unfortunate outcomes of war, bad governance: a father shot himself dead after his children died from starvation just outside Juba town in the New Site area yesterday, Monday, 20 June 2016 - see link

God Bless his Soul and his children - may they know Peace . . .

This is my first blogg in ages, months, over a year in fact - in part due to the pressure and threat to my family based now in Africa and which I am now separated from - in part due to this terrible costly war but I push on towards justice, democracy, accountability and PEACE...

I have been promising to write a blogg post for a while since my arrival in Juba but because of their impact I waited, to watch and see if the Government of South Sudan would honour its promise of:
  • Peace
  • Prosperity
  • Cessation of Hostilities
  • Reconciliation
  • A Transitional Government of National Unity
Yet, after 55 days; delay after delay occur, resulting in no 'real' progress besides a government shell minus a legislative body and a judiciary (free from relatives of the executive branch).

The recent announcement of all/most of the transitional government issues resolved was a publicity stunt, a circus act meant to lure in international donors to drop some quarters into the pockets of the numerous officials with wifes/girlfriends to maintain at home and abroad in regional capitals, oh, plus school fees for both dependent groups!

It has become clear that desperation is thick in the clouds over Juba with the recent New York Times op-ed fiasco, see my recent analysis on this farce.

Bottom line is Juba needs cash, and willing to do anything to get some dollars.

For me, the delays shows a lack of serious intent (code word for:  obstruction) on the former government's part in my view and it seems Dear "Friends" that the carrot must be withdrew and replaced with a Teddy Roosevelt-size Stick - IF nothing happens today positively in the Council of Ministers...I have several obstructors I've been monitoring for some time, as well some names which I need to send to the recently named Human Rights Council special body reporting on human rights in South Sudan...

This is a short piece - to the point: while thousands suffer from hunger, insecurity, dirty water and no medical care The President refuses to sign agreed upon Council of Ministers Resolutions so implementation can occur...

Add too, yesterday's tragic suicide by a father/soldier who felt he had no reason to live
without his children, his family - yet his bosses and local officials ignored his plea for help.


While hunger grips our soldiers and the nation with an iron fist; the President, his Advisors and the Elites dine on fine food... I saw his new and controversial Army Spokesman Lul Ruai Koang out eating roasted meat while entertaining numerous guests - yet,

Our young children under age five are dying daily of hunger and simple ailments; our Junub brain surgeons murdered in their bedrooms, see the second article below from for a moving and tragic portrait of life in Juba for the ordinary and the Elite.

Dear Western Friends

Do not give a Juba a dime, a cent until a real government is established (A /the Transtional Parliament; an unbiased Judiciary, untainted by family connections); ministry managers, officials and staff from all parties and true cooperation/governance occurs.

Some examples below to give insight into the character of the current government's leadership and the depths of despair in the nation for all, high and low:

1) Who Wrote the New York Times Op-ed? See link

1a) Who wrote that South Sudan op-ed? The New York Times isn’t sure. See link

2) In South Sudan, It’s Hard to Tell the Soldiers From the Criminals - (A Must Read!!!)

See link

3) JMEC chair says disturbed by 'harassment' of UN Women by Makuei - see link

3a) 'I will shut down the UN' says South Sudan's information minster - see link

4) A new global scandal has broken - involving the Spokesman and his tricks!

The Presidential Spokesman is now involved a new scandal, he apparently told a media house in an interview on Monday, 21 June about receiving a letter from the Troika (US, UK and Norway), demanding the firing of the Finance Minister and the Head of the Central Bank (BOSS) before these allies would transfer any money to the South.

However, by Tuesday, Troika was issuing a statement denying any such letter, and 4 hours later Mr. Ateny on his Facebook page was denying making such claims, instead putting the blame on EyeRadio as the source of the letter and it alleged contents. But, On Wednesday EyeRadio released a transcript of the conversation between the Presidential Spokesperson and its reporter Rosemary Alfred and the audio, judge the yourself but lies and inconsistencies abound again, like with the New York Times op-ed supposedly written by the President and the First Vice President:

The alleged Troika letter: Eye Radio reacts - see link

As, well, the Sudan Tribune has explored the issue well exposing this case:

Audio: Eye Radio challenges S. Sudan presidential spokesman on Troika letter - see link

Note: one of the hallmarks of this government is its selective use of the Rule of Law when it seems to fit the government's agenda. It makes a mockery of democracy and justice, case in point, a presidential decree in late April ended the old government, including all organs and branches, but today the "old" Parliament operates, as well as the Judiciary. How, on what legal basis?

What about the recent transfer of ministries, in the ten opposition ones most of the assets was taken/stolen, meaning computers, vehicles, even files - places like the Ministry of Interior were stripped bare!!!

(Expect a "shadow" national security apparatus me thinks in the South now).

So where is the law here, why no charges of unlawful possession of government  assets? No prison for those taking sensitive files and equipment!


Can you hear the silence from J1...word is the Council of Ministers is going to authorise
the repurchase of more vehicles for incoming ministries (Car-gate scandal coming we should expect).

So is that right, this government is going to let former ministers and officials just take cars and other government property without recourse - legal or otherwise AND at the same time  ask Western donors to fund such folly???

These and other acts (like not signing CoM resolutions by our Dear President) since April 2016 amount to obstruction to the peace plan.

And now the infamous Sudanese rebel group JEM in Lol State - South Sudan, what will Sudan say after so many promises from the Juba government it does/will not support Sudanese rebels - lies and inconsistencies abound everywhere even today it seems.

Let us wait for the outcome of the Council of Ministers meeting  and the "required" signatory action by President Kiir - soon, hopefully, given the suicide of a grieving father over the loss of his children due to starvation, AND the recent new that South Sudan has the highest inflation rate currently in the world at 295 percent, according to our national statistics bureau!

On JEM, visit JEM forces enter Raja, governor back in town, see link


For those interested in the criminal possibilities of non-cooperation, a global asset recovery mechanism is in place for the missing BILLIONS, even President Kiir has asked for help and it is here, working - BE WARNED!

You cannot pay those mistresses' rents from Den Hague (FYI, if you check my Blogg visitor's log you will see one of the top nations viewing my site is Netherlands, the home of international court. Yes, think about it!!!


As well, the United Nations Human Rights Council has just chosen the members of the South Sudan HR Monitoring body; their credentials are impressive:

Ms. Yasmin Sooka (South Africa) is a leading human rights lawyer. She is currently the Executive Director of the Foundation for Human Rights in South. Ms. Sooka served on the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission from 1996-2001 and chaired the committee responsible for the final report from 2001-2003. She was appointed by the United Nations to serve on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Sierra Leone from 2002-2004. Since 2000, she has also been a member of the Advisory Body on the Review of Resolution 1325. In July 2010, Ms. Sooka was appointed to the three-member Panel of Experts advising the Secretary General on accountability for war crimes committed during the final stages of the war in Sri Lanka.

Mr. Kenneth Scott (United States) is a researcher on South Sudan with Amnesty International. He was appointed Amicus Curiae Prosecutor at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on 4 March 2014. Mr. Scott was previously a senior prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) from 1998-2011. Prior to his work with ICTY, Mr. Scott was an Assistant United States Attorney and Chief of the Complex Prosecutions Section in the prosecution office, focusing primarily on complex white-collar and financial crimes from 1985-1997. He has also taught international law, constitutional law and the U.S. judicial system at U.S. universities.

Mr. Godfrey M Musila (Kenya) is currently a legal consultant for Avocats sans Frontieres established by the Ugandan judiciary. From 2015-2016, he served as the head of International Criminal Law Research Program at International Nuremberg Principles Academy in Germany. He was a lead researcher at African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan (AUCISS) in 2014. As the director of Kenyan Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) in 2010, he conceptualised and authored several chapters on the said topic. Mr. Musila is also an experienced lecturer on international law, international criminal law and human rights law at universities in Africa including Kenya and South Africa.

The End, plus a start! (of Justice)

Abu Deng

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