Thursday, July 14, 2016

Abu Deng's Response to South Sudan's (UNSC) 'unknown gunmen' theory of governance and politics

UPDATED 1:36 am 15 July 2016

14 July 2016

Dear UN Security Council:

Update: though President Kiir asks today his First Vice President to come to talk to him - please, and no harm will come to him, guaranteed (this time!) - events unfolding in Juba speak badly for any trust in his words or his ministries or officials it seems, particularly the National Security Service (NSS), aka, unknown gunmen as they are referred along with their military intelligence (MI) brethren - the lastest is a missing minister, whereabouts unknown, Dr. Richard Mulla, Federal Affairs Minister AND the torture and arrest of Dr. Dhieu Mathok Wol, the Minister for Energy and also serving as the Secretary General of the Opposition, see

Machar minister kidnapped from Juba hotel, tortured

My Letter to the UNSC:

I hear you are receiving a briefing from the South Sudan Ambassador Mr. Malwal about who shot the First Vice President's residence. I hope he is not blaming the unknown gunmen, aka now, 'unidentified groups' according to 2013 War mastermind RSS chief of Staff Gen. Paul Malong.

Note: on Friday as well as on Saturday night on SSBC, national TV and radios was an official announcement from Gen. Malong, he had info that "unidentified groups" would be targeting civilians.

And so on Sunday, politicians loyal to the government of Nuer ethnicity began to show up at UN PoC 1 camp, some were involved in gun battles to survive. One, once was a friend, Governor Peter Lam Both, maybe he will tell the truth of the targeting of Nuer civilians and of the current war strategy. Talk to him!!!

ASIDE, to discover the history of this once hidden, now 'Shadow President' and coup plotter of 8 July 2016, read the detailed article on Malong by Professor Pinaud, see

If one studies South Sudan, its recent 22 year war, and post period, AND now since April's arrival of Dr. Machar it is clear invisible actors are manipulating events and people here.

Primary among them is South Sudan Chief of Staff General Paul Malong
who uses proceeds stolen from the 22 year war and his stint as a corrupt governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal using these funds to buy influence and acceptance.

The purpose of the scapegoat entities known as 'unknown gunmen, unidentified groups' is to carry targeted assassinations and ethnicity-based killings in disguise of course eliminating enemies, opponents and undesirable ethnic groups...period.

Assess, examine, and investigate- many have been following the people I mentioned.

I will only ask the Security Council to use basic logic when assessing mine or the Government's diplomatic representative statements.

Finally, my worry is General Malong may send some unidentified group to attack the 30 to 40 thousands people in the PoC camps...please watch his activities, actions...and others listed in my list.

Do you think is is reasonable, sensible - that the attack on the First Vice President's residence was led by individuals or some unknown group with tanks and helicopter gunships?

Do unknown groups control helicopter gunships and tanks or do Governments? Military assets in 3rd world nations such as South Sudan?

Please think about that, use your common sens, intelligence resources and I believe you will come to one conclusion after reading the article above and checking the global intelligences services: General Paul Malong is key with mentioned individuals before, Michael Makuei, Gen Kuel Manyang, Gen Marial Chanuong, plus other actors from the ethnic advisory body causing much problems for the nation, the Jieng Council of Elders (JCE), in particular Judge Ambrose Riiy and Joshua Dau

So, to conclude, I add a final piece of information obtained from Dr.Machar himself, last weekend:

Ater the intense battle at J1, the Presidential Palace...Gen. Paul Malong was absent from the meeting at J1 in the afternoon, He did not appear until after the fighting at J1 finished around 2200 hrs (10 pm)....yes, he was missing...Why?


1. Professor Pinaud of the University of Indiana article:
2. Abu Deng's blogg:

Abu Deng

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Abu Deng's plea to UN Security Council on pending war in South Sudan

Abu Deng's plea to the UN Security Council on pending war in South Sudan

12 July 2016

Dear UN Security Council:

Greetings from Juba, where a potentially devastating war is beginning - what you decide today will impact millions of South Sudanese...their death may be imminent given recent events of last week, the past decades of unresolved anger and the frustration of thousands of citizens at what appears to them - a broken promise of UN support, on the side of the Government and that of FVP Dr. Machar.

My background, US Citizen married into an elite South Sudanese family, educated at masters level in policy and international affairs, with expert status on South Sudan since 2008, working for the main party SPLM on nation-building, strategy, development, security et al. My experience with the people here goes back to my marriage into the culture since 2002, so via marriage am part Dinka, Nuer and even Shilluk, the three major tribes of the 63 ethnic groups with friends across most of the various cultures. I speak from deep knowledge, authority and experience having been coming here since 2006, to Juba and Khartoum.

In recent conversations with various parties, Intellectuals, military and family I will sum up the situation:

If the UNSC fails today to finally show obstructors of the Peace process hard and appropriate  justice - the nation will descend a brutal war - its like not seen for ages. Reports reach me today both sides may be preparing to bring their youth Armies to Juba, which would be a bloodbath as you know.

Dr. Rice, if you recall a 2014 analysis on the pending war, I pointed out potential players and scenarios...yes, my predictions seem to have played out, but an annihilation scenario is truly possible now if the global community does nothing: one or both sides will be wiped out, period (full stop).

The accumulated hatred over pasts wrongs and wounds never resolved or healed have culminated into a true potential sunamme of violence, unrecorded in modern times.


The recent statement of UN SecGen (Ban ki-Moon) recently urging for an arms embargo and targeted sanctions on key actors is beyond vital, it is essential - if the esteemed world body ignores its responsibility - as it has before: a Rwanda episode may be pending. Act now.

Yes, send in a 3rd party force, create a buffer zone for both troops - punish violators of R2P...snipers have been shooting into the PoC camps with various weapons, even bombs as the PoC1 site incident shows, with deaths of Rwanda and Chinese Peacekeepers - send a clear Chapter 7 message to violators...

To send a message to the hidden and dirty hands orchestrating a push toward civil war, I wish to submit the following names, many known in media, embassy accounts, UN and NGO reports as well:

1. President Salva Kiir - Commander in Chief and President of the Sovereign Republic of South Sudan. Ultimate responsibility must be put on him based Agravated State Responsibility principles

2. Dr Riek Machar - First Vice President, though the FVP has not been deemed innocent of various acts committed since 2013 Since his arrival in late April 2016 he has tried to implement the signed peace plan, but detractors in various camps including his own impeded his arrival, his ascendancy to FVP and his efforts to reconcile a broken nation, if there are evidence of his obstruction against Peace since his April 27th arrival I have not seen it. Though I believe he wanted a bigger force and weapon stock to protect hisself and people given his knowledge of his rivals.
3. What he has done, as many have in the Nuer and Equatoria region is to trust the international community to protect him, his forces and people upon arrival in a hostile place. But it is shown now not to be the case in his and others in the IO camp.

The J1 incident

Having sat with the FVP recently as he laid out what happened in the Presidential Palace, it is astonishing he survived. Imagine entering the most fortified place in a dictatorship, surrounded on throat side with truck mounted (Russ 12s/Zhat 32, Sudanese slang for a medium weapon that propels a 4 inch projectile). I met him before his departure to J1, the mood was sad, all believed it was a trap, but he said he had to take chance for Peace.

Inside J1, the meeting on pushing implementation forward was nearly over when the Head of the Presidential Guard Marial Chanuong came in and said, the man responsible for the death of the 5 government officers killed on Thursday (attack on the Bodyguards convoy to deliver food) WAS there in J1 Chanuong said, one of the FVPs bodyguards. The FVP said please let us not exacerbate this tense situation, so Marial Chanuong disappeared and some time later violence in J1 and outside erupted - and his 60 bodyguards had to fight their way through 100 to 200 highly armed elite soldiers to protect their leader - in the end they spared 7 of President Kiir bodyguards' lives with President Kiir at their mercy...Dr. Machar ordered no harm to Pres. Kiir. And so Dr. Machar decided to leave J1, called the UNMISS and JMEC, the UN Juba head was pinned down at the US Ambassador's house and the JMEC head had gone overseas, the second in command was unavailable.

So he left J1, with a one tank escort from the President's side to counter their security forces patrolling Jebel road - leaving the bodies of 37 of his guards, including TWO of Dr.Machar's sons.

Even after recounting this story to me, he still asks for Peace, but the FVP is unsure if President Kiir, despite his Ceasefire Order of 11 July, is serious??? Why?

The Al Jazeera Interview

An Al Jazeera aired an interview of Pres. Kiir and FVP said to be live from the FVP fortified residence in Jebel, afterwards the house was bombed, and gunfire erupted for some time, including a helicopter gunship appeared on scene . The question then and now:

Who control the Tanks, Helicopter gunships and artillery???? Find that answer and we have the culprit of South Sudan...

Other key members of Abu Deng's Targeted Sanctions List:

RSS Chief of Staff - Paul Malong, known by many, once nearly sanctioned but blocked by China, Russia and Angola I believe. He has recently been on an image cleanup in media claiming he is a philanthropist, God fearing man and kind guy...all I have learned about him since 2014 says he is the Architect of the December 2013 massacre, having recruited the 'white army' that murdered thousand (exact numbers unknown). And this recent event speaks of him. An Nairobi friend told me a few months back he is scared, aware of his crimes - so let him face justice if anyone is to do so...please verify my view via your intelligence but I strongly believe General Paul Malong is the greatest threat to the nation, and region, he is power hungry.

His SPLM maneuvers over the past years speaks to him thirst for power (example: he has been trying to make himself the SPLM head of 3 states, an illegal move by all accounts and signal of his plan to dominate his region and nation.

Minister of Defense, Kuel Juuk Manyang, no war can ho on without this SPLM "founder" being involved somehow.

Presidential Guard Head, Marial Chanuong - possible key back room player with General Malong. The J1 incident brings him to light from the dark.

Minister of Information Michael Makuei - his mean, callous, abrasive and openly disruptive manner and actions are documented by all, UN, NGOs and journalists. He kicked out UNMISS personnel from the country for questioning Makuei's approach to the process among dozens of incidents negatively impacting the peace process, documented!!! My number 2 after Paul Malong...

Minister of Mining Taban Deng Gai, believed to have been undermining the IO efforts for some time, at key times, like resigning his JMEC post at a critical point, and obstructing the peace process of late, not planning to accept his minister post and had to be convinced not to abandon the pending government at key moment.

Head of National Security Serivce, Mabuto Mamor, home to the 'unknown gunmen' terrorizing the he is automatically on list.

I am sorry this is not my best writing, but have been dodging bullets and National Security agents...

May this letter be received well, as intended whether I am alive or not!!!

Abu Deng

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Pre-Independence Day War in South Sudan July 2016 - Stories from the People

July Blogg - Part I

Stories from Capital Juba, South Sudan clash on 8 July 2016
(Day before Independence)

From a colleague:

Others were shot in the road in Gudele ( one Dr Ben from Generation Clinic was killed in his car) on Thursday night. Las night four persons were shot dead next to Pity oil, they were walking home due to lack of transport. While others by the checkpoint in Jebel (an in-law of my friend was killed with her daughter while escaping from checkpoint in Jebel. my friends grandfather was killed in public transport trying to get home yesterday. While others were grabbed by soldiers and killed, when their family members called their phones the responded said "yes we killed him, he is dead, dead to pieces, you his wife will now become my wife".

More to come...