On 19 June I read the article, "South Sudan Has a lot to Offer the Trump Administration," by Oxford alumni and former South Sudanese official Bona Malwal.
As I read through it, part of me identified with his praise of the US and contributions (particularly the Republican Party and President George W. Bush vs a lip service President Bill Clinton and unstable President Obama on a proper South Sudan policy).
Mr Malwal factually declared how many Americans helped create the world newest country while noting the benefits of South Sudan as an ally to the US and the Trump administration — But — as one reads on further this article seems to be based on unconventional logic, what I call the Willy Wonka factor. Recall this 1971 movie on a fantastical chocolate factory where they created unique candies, where that which should be sweet — was sour; where elevators went sideways and where that which was little became incredibly big!
World's Most Fragile again this Year
Yet, I, an American myself and now long-time South Sudan-aholic/wonk due to marriage into a prominent diplomatic and military family would be remiss to not respond given my deep knowledge on the inner workings of this government having participated in its pre-2011 formation, serving as a policy adviser/expert for the current ruling party, SPLM — and a friend/family member to many of the current leaders — who have in my estimation and others have failed as a sovereign government (The recent 2017 Fragile States Index lists South Sudan again as the world's most fragile this year). See, here.
Unlike the highly British educated Mr. Malwal who seems to be trying to woo President Trump and his government with high praise and the alluring scent of South Sudanese petroleum lofting in the pending 300,000 barrels per day (bpd) winds (though output is stalling around 100,000 bpd I sense — I will hopefully woo my audience by using my University of Texas at Austin graduate education in public policy to uncover the folly of this article base on fact, analysis, exposing its Willy Wonka-like wishful thinking.
Yes, in my studied and experiential view, having written many of this government's foundational policies over the past decade in several areas, including Foreign Policy — this government has failed in so many ways; at the bottom in most global indices.
It has failed chiefly and most prominently in its basic sovereign responsibilities to citizens in providing basic services like education, healthcare and security plus its catastrophic failures in economic development and public administration itself and the management of the nation's vast natural resources (its timber, copper, nickel, iron, zinc, gold, silver, marble, diamonds, manganese uranium AND oil. The leaders and officials exploiting/commandeering them for their personal use. See Sentry reports over recent years for details.
(An aside)
Since Independence, petroleum itself has netted the nation revenue over $10 billion dollars while pre-independence pledges from well-wishes/global partners brought in assistance and grants of $10 billion dollars — conservative estimates suggests, so where is/has $20 billion in hard currency been spent, not on schools, hospitals, infrastructure like roads, bridges (the US built the first paved road in the country for $225 million, the 192 km Juba-Nimule road, the only international road). The country has only 300 km of paved roads, mainly in its capital city Juba.
Corruption rules
How does one wastes over 20 billion dollars: corruption, greed — a central problem from the beginning, resulting in government officials with annual salary of $45,000 dollars buying homes for millions like former army chief of staff General James Hoth Mai, who paid $1.5 million dollars in cash for a luxurious Melbourne, Australia 10,000 square meter mansion in 2016.
Now if misappropriating public funds is a benefit for the Trump Administration and America — stealing from ones citizenry leaving them to starve, linger in substandard camps and in the open bush eating leaves barely surviving, then the Willy Wonka factor is truly in effect, Wishing for Insanity to be the norm.
A most salient picture of the culture of corruption/impunity comes from the former chief of staff's son: Lawernce Malong, who goes on social media extolling wisdom, and exhibiting his vast wealth for a global audience, see below picture and this link, Stepson of South Sudan's general shows off lavish lifestyle.
My sources tell me many of the long-time and current leaders own fancy homes in Europe, Australia and the USA even businesses, hotels — often put in their friends//relatives/family's names (President Salva Kiir's 12 year old son's name was used according to a 2016 Sentry Report).
Dear Sentry Report, here is a update on the continuing South Sudan corruption saga, guiltless mode in affect...see link below of our hero/role model shared recently on Facebook a video where he flashes 10s of thousands of dollars for global consumption. Is Juba really cashless? As their officials beg for funds to do its expected responsibilities of providing basic services, aiding the thousands of IDPs and building infrastructure. See Gen. Paul Malong Son Shows off $50,000 in cash on Facebook.
Juba's Partner in Crime: Uganda
Uganda who was instrumental in saving this regime from collapse by providing troops, assistance and resources, helped to drive millions of South Sudanese from their homes — now has cleaned up itself (only in a Willy Wonka reality is this possible!) and now has over a million South Sudanese refugees in its country, at places like the world's largest refugee camp, known as Bidi Bidi. See the arms dealing/1 million South Sudanese refugee benefactor at work here.
This one-time co-warmongering now-converted "Willy Wonka partner" of Juba's who still provides police/military assistance to the regime with reports surfacing of Ugandan police/military presence in the Nimule area — has now unashamedly become a peace loving co-partner with the United Nations, asking last week for $8 billion dollars to help care for South Sudanese refugees in Uganda though UNHCR was campaigning in May 2017 for only $1.4 billion to help South Sudanese refugees in SIX (6) countries!!! Why now — $8 billion — for only one nation, one that exacerbated the war and should be charged with war crimes too!) See, here.
Again, will the Trump Administration really feel this current regime can be a proper global and reliable partner?
One can only hope the Willy Wonka factor doesn't take effect truly, that what is up becomes down and what is right turns left...
US Partner in Terror-ism?
How is this possible when the South Sudanese army and government-controlled militia have been identified as perpetrators of some of the most horrendous acts in recent historical memory (See, AU South Sudan report reveals cannibalism, mass killing and gang rape — read here).
Incidents abound, such as the January to May 2017 atrocities against the ancient Shilluk Kingdom tribespeople (see Amnesty report); 2016 Yei attack (scorching of homes; burning families inside their homes; or the continual raping of UN protected internally displaced people (IDPs) like women. I was summoned to bare witness in Juba to the gang-raping of a young IDP woman by government soldiers from the UN protection of civilians (PoC) 3 camp in 2016...she died that night!
Note, too, Mr. Trump and US, EU, AU, IGAD the involvement of South Sudanese officials in the unsanctioned/sanctioned murder, rape of citizens, looting and terrorizing of journalists ans those who disagree with it is well-documented, known — a given...read these telling comments a son of the powerful former army chief of staff, known as the 2013 war architect:
Mr Lual insisted he was a 'peace advocate' and issued regular calls for South Sudanese warring parties, including his stepfather, to put down their arms.
'Even me, I'm not happy with him. My stepfather is killing people and I'm not happy about it. (Daily Mail, 16 September 2016 article by A. Laing)
Recall the barbaric terrorizing of foreign NGO workers at Terrace Hotel in July 2016, including Americans some of which were raped by up to 12 government soldiers, who only now are being held accountable — possibly. Is this the "partner" President Trump wants? Mr. Trump, please ask Congressman Chris Smith who had one of his constituents violated in the July 2016 attack. See here.
The UN Panel of Experts has placed the war as a whole on the shoulders of South Sudan's President Salva Kiir and his recently deposed army chief of staff General Paul Malong, the acknowledged architect of the 2013 war and principal responsible for the death of tens of thousands of citizens. The UN body stated:
Fodé Seck (Senegal), Chair of the 2206 (2015) South Sudan Sanctions Committee, presented the final report of the Group of Experts (document S/2016/70), saying there was “clear and convincing” proof that most acts of violence had been perpetrated under the direction, or with the knowledge, of high-level members of the Government and Opposition, including President Salva Kiir; Riek Machar; Paul Malong, Chief of General Staff of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) in Opposition; and Akol Koor, Director General for Internal Security.
Can a nation like my beloved America — steeped in rights, justice, idealized in democratic principles of freedom of expression, free thinking be partners with a regime who brazenly kills citizens who dare to offer opposing views whether a mother, priest or teacher.
In Conclusion
I close with this while the esteemed Oxfordian Mr. Malwal lists several beneficial points of a possible US-South Sudan partnership, the negatives far and away outweigh the good in my view, such as the intentional shooting of US ambassador's motorcade in 2014, and firing on US diplomats' car during July 2016 (no one held accountable!); murder in Juba of a British aid worker at his home (he worked for the Carter Center) in 2015 and the brutal beating/rape of US citizens at the Terrace hotel in 2016 tells a different story the Trump Administration needs to hear.
The recent release in May 2017 of NPR's journalist Eyder Peralta should serve as a lesson for any nation thinking to be partners with this current government. Listen to Mr. Peralta's interview to learn the reality behind the Willy Wonka smoke and mirrors' routine of late by this government, like its recent rescinding of previous ban on allowing foreign journalists in the country. Read/listen to his account here.
So it seems all is possible in the global sphere of politics and diplomacy, countries that once were pariahs can become friends to all, yet I caution nations OR global celebrities such as Ben Affleck, Forrest Whitaker and Angelina Jolie from establishing too close a relationship with war criminals/crimes against humanity perpetrators — helping to advance the current South Sudan government's twisted and inhuman agenda.
It is all a fantastical scheme steeped in horrendous international crimes like state-sponsored rape, murder (via the"unknown gunmen of its national security apparatus) corruption and gross mismanagement of public resources and dereliction of public duties like the responsibility to protect ones citizens (R2P).
Abu Deng is a South Sudan expert/ senior adviser and W. Wilson Fellow in IR/Public Policy now based in the Washington, DC area.