Thursday, December 22, 2016

Who is responsible for South Sudan’s failure as a Nation?

For years, Christian groups lobbied in vain to get President Bill Clinton to appoint a special envoy to Sudan to help end the civil war. But Bush's election saw the swift appointment of John Danforth, a moderate Episcopal priest and former senator, at a Rose Garden ceremony attended by a host of evangelicals.
 (Boston Globe, By Farah Stockman - October 14, 2004)

When I started to think about this article, a three part series, I became sick – inside myself – not of physical kind of sickness with my body shutting down or it being attacked by some unknown pathogen – but a metaphysical sickness brought on by an attempt for weeks to write about one of the most successful Presidents in our history, a fellow African-American whose presidency has redefined leadership, strategy and unity, a man gifted with an intelligence not seen for decades.

Why am I troubled about writing about a man with such presidential achievements as Obamacare, Revitalizing the US Auto Industry, Cuba normalization, the Iran Nuclear Deal…

Well, as an American I am blessed to have been a son/beneficiary of the Greatness of my nation and the great state of New York – was able to have served in its military, travelled to 25 countries; given scholarships, grants to obtain education which in the end after a decade – I achieved a Bachelors, two master’s degrees and a fellowship in public policy and international affairs from the prestigious Woodrow Wilson Foundation, attending Hobart College, Harvard University and the University of Texas at Austin.

From here I served my second home and state Texas in its government as a policy specialist for over half a decade, under the Bullock, Bush administrations in technology, oil, economic development and international affairs.

Such experience shaped a conscientious, patriotic and studied man of varied interests. Then in 2002, marriage to a South Sudanese of diplomatic/military family changed my life forever – I discovered the “existence” of the Africa continent and in particular South Sudan in 2002.

Over time, I learned much on its cultures, people, customs and personalities which inform me greatly in my interactions and analysis. Now, a decade later after assignments as an adviser, analyst and figure operating within the ruling SPLM political party, experiencing its war firsthand, my view on this African nation is deeply and sharply informed.

And if that is not enough I returned from Juba, having spent the past few months in South Sudan. First dodging Juba’s assassins/soldiers then seeking refuge after the conflict started on 10 July, in the UN camps living among the people in horrid conditions as an IDP refugee.

With such knowledge and experience, I am in a unique position to understand South Sudan. For over time, before its birth I have watched, listened to leaders from the West, within Sudan, South Sudan and my [in-law] family – plan, implement and execute efforts to inform, create, operate and eventually destroy this nation I love called South Sudan.

The Truth for All

 Instrumental in getting recognition for the people, garnering global support, providing diplomatic, military, developmental and humanitarian assistance was the United States of America – without which many, including South Sudanese, acknowledge this nation would not exist.

People such as President George W. Bush, Franklin Graham, General Colin Powell and Senator John Danforth were key to getting South Sudan on the US foreign policy agenda and the world’s as well.
See, "Christian lobbying finds success Evangelicals help to steer Bush efforts." link 

Franklin Graham publicize the Sudan issue through his organization, Samaritan's Purse, which flew influential US officials such as US Senator Bill Frist, the Tennessee Republican, to Sudan's deepest corners. Working with the Democratic Party, Senators Frist, Brownback, and others like the Black Caucus in the US House of Representative helped push legislation threatening sanctions against both North and South Sudan if they failed to reach a peace agreement, which occurred in 2005. See too, “The Evangelical Roots of US Africa Policy”, Asteris Huliaras, December 2008.

It is well known that President Bush had a great relationship with the South Sudanese leader, who could get a meeting anytime with him. During President Bush’s second term, President Kiir visited four times to the Oval Office and they would speak often on the phone according to Cameron Hudson of the National Security Council. See, “Can the U.S. Forge a Relationship with South Sudan?” Newsweek (2014).

It is clear from the highest levels of the US government, the Presidency; to the ground (local organizations and churches) normal citizens were active, even instrumental in helping to birth the sovereign nation of South Sudan.

Fast forward to today…

After billions in oil revenue, foreign assistance since 2000s, we are here:

Total economic and military assistance to South Sudan was $2.2 billion as of 2014 ($2.1 billion in economic and $154 military assistance)

Here is a snapshot of financial support in FY 2012, a total of $444 million:

Department of Defense Security Assistance: $536,518
Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance: $12.6 million
Global Health and Child Survival: $9.08 million
Migration and Refugee Assistance: $73 million
Narcotics Control: $21 million
Other State Assistance: $192,284
Other USAID Assistance: $106 million
Title II: $173 million

Military Assistance, Total: $48.8 million

Source: Greenbook - here

With such extensive and unprecedented political, spiritual and military support, one would expect hard work and dedication from a government and its official, even success given not only was the US providing nearly a billion in assistance monthly (others like the EU as well provided funding) the young nation was generating between $1 to $3 billion a year in oil revenue.

Princeton Lyman, the former Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan (2011-2013) noted that after its independence on July 10, 2011, Juba felt like it didn’t “have to take orders from anybody.” (Newsweek, Can the U.S. Forge a Relationship with South Sudan?, 2014)

No new nation in modern times enjoyed such abundant financial resources – yet this golden opportunity would not be taken advantage of and instead the new nation accelerated from a promising son of democracy to a “regime” now noted for murder, rape as a weapon of war, torture and other atrocities including cases of forced cannibalism, see, AU Commission of Inquiry Final Report, October 2015, link

Five years after its independence, South Sudan is said to have the world’s highest rate of inflation, its currency has lost more than 90 percent of its value and the government’s budget deficit for 2016/2017 is projected to be more than US$ 1.1 billion.


But for those looking – the signs were there. I recall my early visit to Juba in 2006, while walking around the Parliament building area or ‘Ministry row’, where all the government ministries are located one noticed people moving with luggage everywhere – there was cash inside, back then all transactions had to be done in dollars due to poor accounting system established despite US experts, consultants assigned to help the fledgling nation - so all officials moved with bags full of dollars!

  • All ministries employed mostly those persons from that minister’s tribe, resulting in whole complexes of one ethnic group. If the Commerce Minister was a Dinka, all or most of the employees at that ministry complex were of the Dinka tribe!
  • Since Independence the country slowly begun to overspent on military and security and the traditional African system of patronage. Initially the country was spending half of its budget on the military and nearly 80% of its revenue on salaries (trying to keep the 64 tribes happy under the Kiir ‘Big Tent’ strategy of accommodation).
  • At the first Obama/Kiir meeting on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York on 21 September 2011, it is said the moment the bond between the two nations broke. Despite advice from others to not mislead President Obama about the on-the-ground situation with Sudan (amassing troop on the border near the Sudan oil fields), President Kiir is said to have lied to President Obama saying he had no troops there about to enter the Heglig oilfields (which it did in March 2012).
  • By 2014, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) estimated the government spent more than 60 percent of its overall net revenues on the military, and steadily increased its spending on arms from $945 million dollars in 2013 to $1.3 billion dollars in 2016 which included the purchase of fighter jets in July 2016 (highest military expenditure in East Africa). Such spending despite the drastic fall in oil prices from $100 per barrel to $50, while the country was getting only $9 per barrel after discounts, payments to Sudan/creditors (oil companies) compounded the country problems.
  • As well, the South Sudan government ignored spending on key like education, health. Between 2007 and 2011, only 5 percent of government expenditure was on public education according to World Bank while it was international donors funding 70% of the country’s health sector spending, see “Public expenditures in South Sudan: Are they delivering?” (2014) though South Sudan made $3.38 billion in oil revenue that year, netting $1.7 billion after debt payments.
  • All these missteps, mismanagement can only result in one thing: a decline in the national well-being and a build-up of tensions among groups as everyone is not accommodated, which came to a head in 2012 when the government decided to shut down the oilfields, against all its global friends advice, its only source of income without any backup plan or strategy devised. The government was forced into austerity measures from since it has not been able to remove even now.
  • Once the oil flow returned in early 2013, so did problems, political wrangling among various presidential hopefuls mixed with an entrenched incumbent boiled over in December 2013. Here, I must note as a policy specialist, the initial catalyst of the troubles was related to changing party policies, so as to reflect more fair processes and procedures.
  • Once the blood began to flow in December 2013, it has only become harder for any chance of reconciliation - for each act of violence was reciprocated with a worse one, and on and on…tragedy turned to atrocity!
  • The greatest loss of this war is its impact on the people: three million were displaced, 1.8 million within the country and 1.2 outside in five countries. The violence visited on the citizens has been recorded the worst in modern times. Internally too, another grave concern is famine, hunger; particularly given crops was below average this year according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization in many areas due to war. The World Food Program warned earlier as many as 4.8 million people - about 40 percent of the country's population -- were starving and the situation may get worse.
  • And to make matters worse, the government has increased surveillance and monitoring of NGO communications. With the recently passed 2016 NGO bill, organizations face more barriers and consequences if they do not play ball. One can be fined, imprisoned for 3 years or even deported, an organization de-registered. An example of the hostile environment for NGOs is a ban in 2014 on the use of the words: famine, disaster or catastrophe in South Sudan to describe national food deficiency status.

The Question Again???

Now, after laying the contextual groundwork for my readers my article’s title/question should have meaning and one must ask who is really responsible for the chaos in South Sudan?

As a convention, globally one would say the senior executive in charge is responsible yet President Kiir has deflected charges of nepotism, corruption, lack of vision, atrocities, mismanagement of state resources on his watch, saying it was some of his corrupt ministers. So where should one go to address this terrible situation in the new nation?

Only one place to go: UP –  to the mentor/guiding hand of United States of America, where else!

Senior US officials have been working on South Sudan matters since early 2000, some even longer. The nation has one of the longest and oldest connections with the young country besides Norway in the modern era.

As pointed out earlier in this piece The Bush administration developed strong ties with this administration, with President Bush having a personal bond with President Kiir. Then in 2009 the Clinton administration took over, severing that strong bond, and moving it lower down the foreign policy priority list.

In the Obama Administration the relationship became even more distanced, with its chief advisers being NSC head and former UN Ambassador and Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Susan Rice under Clinton; Secretary of State John Kerry, UN Ambassador Samantha Power, and the Special Envoy Donald Booth.

In Part 2, I explore who/what sank the US/South Sudan relationship to a level where Juba’s SPLA (national army) soldiers rampage purposely, without any UN/diplomatic corps response, a foreigner’s compound (the Terrace Hotel) gang-raping American aid workers in July 2016, and no response from US officials for weeks.

Abu Deng, ig
Nairobi, Kenya

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Abu Deng's Response to South Sudan's (UNSC) 'unknown gunmen' theory of governance and politics

UPDATED 1:36 am 15 July 2016

14 July 2016

Dear UN Security Council:

Update: though President Kiir asks today his First Vice President to come to talk to him - please, and no harm will come to him, guaranteed (this time!) - events unfolding in Juba speak badly for any trust in his words or his ministries or officials it seems, particularly the National Security Service (NSS), aka, unknown gunmen as they are referred along with their military intelligence (MI) brethren - the lastest is a missing minister, whereabouts unknown, Dr. Richard Mulla, Federal Affairs Minister AND the torture and arrest of Dr. Dhieu Mathok Wol, the Minister for Energy and also serving as the Secretary General of the Opposition, see

Machar minister kidnapped from Juba hotel, tortured

My Letter to the UNSC:

I hear you are receiving a briefing from the South Sudan Ambassador Mr. Malwal about who shot the First Vice President's residence. I hope he is not blaming the unknown gunmen, aka now, 'unidentified groups' according to 2013 War mastermind RSS chief of Staff Gen. Paul Malong.

Note: on Friday as well as on Saturday night on SSBC, national TV and radios was an official announcement from Gen. Malong, he had info that "unidentified groups" would be targeting civilians.

And so on Sunday, politicians loyal to the government of Nuer ethnicity began to show up at UN PoC 1 camp, some were involved in gun battles to survive. One, once was a friend, Governor Peter Lam Both, maybe he will tell the truth of the targeting of Nuer civilians and of the current war strategy. Talk to him!!!

ASIDE, to discover the history of this once hidden, now 'Shadow President' and coup plotter of 8 July 2016, read the detailed article on Malong by Professor Pinaud, see

If one studies South Sudan, its recent 22 year war, and post period, AND now since April's arrival of Dr. Machar it is clear invisible actors are manipulating events and people here.

Primary among them is South Sudan Chief of Staff General Paul Malong
who uses proceeds stolen from the 22 year war and his stint as a corrupt governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal using these funds to buy influence and acceptance.

The purpose of the scapegoat entities known as 'unknown gunmen, unidentified groups' is to carry targeted assassinations and ethnicity-based killings in disguise of course eliminating enemies, opponents and undesirable ethnic groups...period.

Assess, examine, and investigate- many have been following the people I mentioned.

I will only ask the Security Council to use basic logic when assessing mine or the Government's diplomatic representative statements.

Finally, my worry is General Malong may send some unidentified group to attack the 30 to 40 thousands people in the PoC camps...please watch his activities, actions...and others listed in my list.

Do you think is is reasonable, sensible - that the attack on the First Vice President's residence was led by individuals or some unknown group with tanks and helicopter gunships?

Do unknown groups control helicopter gunships and tanks or do Governments? Military assets in 3rd world nations such as South Sudan?

Please think about that, use your common sens, intelligence resources and I believe you will come to one conclusion after reading the article above and checking the global intelligences services: General Paul Malong is key with mentioned individuals before, Michael Makuei, Gen Kuel Manyang, Gen Marial Chanuong, plus other actors from the ethnic advisory body causing much problems for the nation, the Jieng Council of Elders (JCE), in particular Judge Ambrose Riiy and Joshua Dau

So, to conclude, I add a final piece of information obtained from Dr.Machar himself, last weekend:

Ater the intense battle at J1, the Presidential Palace...Gen. Paul Malong was absent from the meeting at J1 in the afternoon, He did not appear until after the fighting at J1 finished around 2200 hrs (10 pm)....yes, he was missing...Why?


1. Professor Pinaud of the University of Indiana article:
2. Abu Deng's blogg:

Abu Deng

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Abu Deng's plea to UN Security Council on pending war in South Sudan

Abu Deng's plea to the UN Security Council on pending war in South Sudan

12 July 2016

Dear UN Security Council:

Greetings from Juba, where a potentially devastating war is beginning - what you decide today will impact millions of South Sudanese...their death may be imminent given recent events of last week, the past decades of unresolved anger and the frustration of thousands of citizens at what appears to them - a broken promise of UN support, on the side of the Government and that of FVP Dr. Machar.

My background, US Citizen married into an elite South Sudanese family, educated at masters level in policy and international affairs, with expert status on South Sudan since 2008, working for the main party SPLM on nation-building, strategy, development, security et al. My experience with the people here goes back to my marriage into the culture since 2002, so via marriage am part Dinka, Nuer and even Shilluk, the three major tribes of the 63 ethnic groups with friends across most of the various cultures. I speak from deep knowledge, authority and experience having been coming here since 2006, to Juba and Khartoum.

In recent conversations with various parties, Intellectuals, military and family I will sum up the situation:

If the UNSC fails today to finally show obstructors of the Peace process hard and appropriate  justice - the nation will descend a brutal war - its like not seen for ages. Reports reach me today both sides may be preparing to bring their youth Armies to Juba, which would be a bloodbath as you know.

Dr. Rice, if you recall a 2014 analysis on the pending war, I pointed out potential players and scenarios...yes, my predictions seem to have played out, but an annihilation scenario is truly possible now if the global community does nothing: one or both sides will be wiped out, period (full stop).

The accumulated hatred over pasts wrongs and wounds never resolved or healed have culminated into a true potential sunamme of violence, unrecorded in modern times.


The recent statement of UN SecGen (Ban ki-Moon) recently urging for an arms embargo and targeted sanctions on key actors is beyond vital, it is essential - if the esteemed world body ignores its responsibility - as it has before: a Rwanda episode may be pending. Act now.

Yes, send in a 3rd party force, create a buffer zone for both troops - punish violators of R2P...snipers have been shooting into the PoC camps with various weapons, even bombs as the PoC1 site incident shows, with deaths of Rwanda and Chinese Peacekeepers - send a clear Chapter 7 message to violators...

To send a message to the hidden and dirty hands orchestrating a push toward civil war, I wish to submit the following names, many known in media, embassy accounts, UN and NGO reports as well:

1. President Salva Kiir - Commander in Chief and President of the Sovereign Republic of South Sudan. Ultimate responsibility must be put on him based Agravated State Responsibility principles

2. Dr Riek Machar - First Vice President, though the FVP has not been deemed innocent of various acts committed since 2013 Since his arrival in late April 2016 he has tried to implement the signed peace plan, but detractors in various camps including his own impeded his arrival, his ascendancy to FVP and his efforts to reconcile a broken nation, if there are evidence of his obstruction against Peace since his April 27th arrival I have not seen it. Though I believe he wanted a bigger force and weapon stock to protect hisself and people given his knowledge of his rivals.
3. What he has done, as many have in the Nuer and Equatoria region is to trust the international community to protect him, his forces and people upon arrival in a hostile place. But it is shown now not to be the case in his and others in the IO camp.

The J1 incident

Having sat with the FVP recently as he laid out what happened in the Presidential Palace, it is astonishing he survived. Imagine entering the most fortified place in a dictatorship, surrounded on throat side with truck mounted (Russ 12s/Zhat 32, Sudanese slang for a medium weapon that propels a 4 inch projectile). I met him before his departure to J1, the mood was sad, all believed it was a trap, but he said he had to take chance for Peace.

Inside J1, the meeting on pushing implementation forward was nearly over when the Head of the Presidential Guard Marial Chanuong came in and said, the man responsible for the death of the 5 government officers killed on Thursday (attack on the Bodyguards convoy to deliver food) WAS there in J1 Chanuong said, one of the FVPs bodyguards. The FVP said please let us not exacerbate this tense situation, so Marial Chanuong disappeared and some time later violence in J1 and outside erupted - and his 60 bodyguards had to fight their way through 100 to 200 highly armed elite soldiers to protect their leader - in the end they spared 7 of President Kiir bodyguards' lives with President Kiir at their mercy...Dr. Machar ordered no harm to Pres. Kiir. And so Dr. Machar decided to leave J1, called the UNMISS and JMEC, the UN Juba head was pinned down at the US Ambassador's house and the JMEC head had gone overseas, the second in command was unavailable.

So he left J1, with a one tank escort from the President's side to counter their security forces patrolling Jebel road - leaving the bodies of 37 of his guards, including TWO of Dr.Machar's sons.

Even after recounting this story to me, he still asks for Peace, but the FVP is unsure if President Kiir, despite his Ceasefire Order of 11 July, is serious??? Why?

The Al Jazeera Interview

An Al Jazeera aired an interview of Pres. Kiir and FVP said to be live from the FVP fortified residence in Jebel, afterwards the house was bombed, and gunfire erupted for some time, including a helicopter gunship appeared on scene . The question then and now:

Who control the Tanks, Helicopter gunships and artillery???? Find that answer and we have the culprit of South Sudan...

Other key members of Abu Deng's Targeted Sanctions List:

RSS Chief of Staff - Paul Malong, known by many, once nearly sanctioned but blocked by China, Russia and Angola I believe. He has recently been on an image cleanup in media claiming he is a philanthropist, God fearing man and kind guy...all I have learned about him since 2014 says he is the Architect of the December 2013 massacre, having recruited the 'white army' that murdered thousand (exact numbers unknown). And this recent event speaks of him. An Nairobi friend told me a few months back he is scared, aware of his crimes - so let him face justice if anyone is to do so...please verify my view via your intelligence but I strongly believe General Paul Malong is the greatest threat to the nation, and region, he is power hungry.

His SPLM maneuvers over the past years speaks to him thirst for power (example: he has been trying to make himself the SPLM head of 3 states, an illegal move by all accounts and signal of his plan to dominate his region and nation.

Minister of Defense, Kuel Juuk Manyang, no war can ho on without this SPLM "founder" being involved somehow.

Presidential Guard Head, Marial Chanuong - possible key back room player with General Malong. The J1 incident brings him to light from the dark.

Minister of Information Michael Makuei - his mean, callous, abrasive and openly disruptive manner and actions are documented by all, UN, NGOs and journalists. He kicked out UNMISS personnel from the country for questioning Makuei's approach to the process among dozens of incidents negatively impacting the peace process, documented!!! My number 2 after Paul Malong...

Minister of Mining Taban Deng Gai, believed to have been undermining the IO efforts for some time, at key times, like resigning his JMEC post at a critical point, and obstructing the peace process of late, not planning to accept his minister post and had to be convinced not to abandon the pending government at key moment.

Head of National Security Serivce, Mabuto Mamor, home to the 'unknown gunmen' terrorizing the he is automatically on list.

I am sorry this is not my best writing, but have been dodging bullets and National Security agents...

May this letter be received well, as intended whether I am alive or not!!!

Abu Deng

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Pre-Independence Day War in South Sudan July 2016 - Stories from the People

July Blogg - Part I

Stories from Capital Juba, South Sudan clash on 8 July 2016
(Day before Independence)

From a colleague:

Others were shot in the road in Gudele ( one Dr Ben from Generation Clinic was killed in his car) on Thursday night. Las night four persons were shot dead next to Pity oil, they were walking home due to lack of transport. While others by the checkpoint in Jebel (an in-law of my friend was killed with her daughter while escaping from checkpoint in Jebel. my friends grandfather was killed in public transport trying to get home yesterday. While others were grabbed by soldiers and killed, when their family members called their phones the responded said "yes we killed him, he is dead, dead to pieces, you his wife will now become my wife".

More to come...

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Is President Kiir Preparing for War - Again? (Updated)

Wau area, Fertit land - Western Bahr el Ghazal (June 2016) *

In Wau during 2014, President Kiir said:

“We are not for war. We want peace and reconciliation to prevail among ourselves as one nation with one people,” he told the assembled crowd in Wau’s main square.

“I am the president of the Republic of South Sudan, I do not want my people to continue dying day and night,” he added. . .

“No one should kill Nuer people. If you really support me, do not kill them in my name. If you do that, you are killing me because you are all my people,” he said.

(Wau, 16 July 2014, Sudan Tribune, link)

It has bewildered me, and consumed me for days, weeks now - why is Peace and process not prevailing - why any attempt at true implementation is so painfully hard to occur in a nation rocked by two civil wars within 15 years, hunger, economic collapse and international shame/isolation.

Once adored by nations near and far, a magnet for celebrities and on the tongue of people everywhere in admiration.

Now, an international pariah, thrown to the bottom of most UN and global indicators in development or advancement, yet nr. 1 in crime in Africa; chaos; poor health and death of birthing mothers/infants under 5 - no longer able to blame Khartoum or being a "baby" nation for these failures.

What could be the reason(s) this young nation refuses to feed its starving people, clothe them and guide the country to prosperity?

Only one answer reveals itself:

It thirsts for war...that is the revelation which came early Saturday morn, at breakfast as I learned that the Juba massacres of 13, 14 and 15 December 2013 were being repeated in the Wau area (Yambio next?)

The town of Wau is now under a state of emergency, people flee (link), declared by the SPLA (the Army) without the knowledge of the state government or its governor who spoke to the media yesterday
morning, and was replaced by Presidential decree by 8:30 that night. And now arrested, see

South Sudan security arrests ex-Wau governor after dismissal - link

As I write civilians are being murdered at their homes, by all reports, even the Red Cross is asking for mercy, see

Fighting in Wau, South Sudan: Red Cross calls for civilians to be spared - link

You, dear Reader, must be saying 'No, this cannot be so Abu Deng . . . how, why, President Kiir has said on TV, local and international he will not go back to war' - Yet Wau is real, see:

from David John's Facebook page
David John feeling disappointed.
21 hrs
I can't sleep because my family, friends n relatives r being targeted, houses burnt, harassed n killed by our own South Sudanese government these moments right in Wau town . . .


Check with JMEC - oh I forgot even the agreed upon ceasefire monitors are being prevented from  seeing sites in the country, according to the JMEC Head President Mogae, see

Ceasefire monitors denied access in Juba, Yambio - link

And in Juba at the Jebel cantonment site, it is surrounded on all sides by the Army, roving patrols at night of army and national security personnel ready to strike, to massacre all perhaps: yet soldiers and civilians (many families onsite, small children even babies - last weekend the first child was born on theJuba Jebel cantonment site, supervised by Madame Angelina Machar Teny.

Now, given Wau events I fear all - Men, Women and newborns at the Jebel site - are prime targets for slaughter!!! Note the treatment of civilians in Wau:

A source in Wau town told Radio Tamazuj at around 11pm that an unknown number soldiers well armed with sticks, clubs and rifles marched to a Fertit area and went from house to house.

"At around 5 p.m. they started beating anyone who is not looking like Dinka at Nazareth area, Hai Kosti, Suk Jou Bazia Jedid, and so on there were gunshots and confusion who is fighting who... many civilians ran outside the town opposite direction of town center,” a source said.

(Wau, 24 June 2016, Radio Tamazuj, see link)

I am greatly distressed by the Wau tragedy as well as saddened at the developments or really lack of such, of no Transitional Parliament; No 'Non-Kiir' Supporters (FDs, IO, NA) returned to their pre-war Civil Service jobs; No cantonment sites in Eastern Equatoria, Western Bahr el Ghazal; No 28 State committee advancement beyond its title - all agreed on by President Kiir, FVP Dr. Machar and VP Wani Igga in May tripartite meetings - yet the President refuses to sign off on the minutes of these agreements, to authorise ministers to activate key processes that begin implementation of these  formerly huge barriers in the peace process.

And by no means am I alone in my sadness:

1.   It is with a heavy heart that I address you today.

2.   After the announcement by the Presidency that agreement had been reached on a number of issues, including the establishment of the Boundary Commission, reinstatement of civil servants, release of prisoners of war and detainees, cantonment sites, and the expanded Transitional National Legislative Assembly, I had hoped that there would be more progress. On the contrary, I regret to report that the progress I had expected has not materialized. If anything, the Parties are further apart.

3.   There appears to be a stalemate that now threatens the implementation of the entire Agreement. From my consultations with the Parties over the past two days, there is no common understanding of the terms of reference of the proposed Commission on the number of States; as well as on the issue of cantonment sites.    
(23 June 2016 - JMEC Chair Jestus Mogae - Opening Statement)

All are disappointed in this nation of ours - all, except those with bank accounts in Equity Bank and others...transferring the nation's wealth to all parts of the world.

It is very clear if you read this 38 section/13 page opening statement from the Joint Peace Monitoring body that Peace is not really on the agenda, just excuses, outright obstruction, manipulation and lies (New York Times op-Ed; Troika letter) are some of the failures pointed out by JMEC in its recent statement:
  • No Transitional Parliament
  • No NLA Speaker
  • No progress in National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC)
  • No progress on 28 States Boundaries Committee
  • No cooperation with CTSAMM Monitoring and Verification Teams (impediments/intimidation)
  • No progress in National Architecture and the Joint Military Ceasefire Commission
  • No progress at Strategic Defence and Security Review Board (no quorum)
  • No progress on Relief and Rehabilitation Commission
  • No progress on Refugees Commission
  • No progress on Peace Commission                
  • No progress on Special Reconstruction Fund Board

  • No progress on Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Commission; 
  • No Progress on Hybrid Court for South Sudan (HCSS); and 
  • No progress on Compensation and Reparations Authority
Source: JMECChair Opening Statement, see link

The violence, murder, war - currently going on in Wau is proof that the answer to my question is Yes,  civil war seems to be on the horizon, again!

What do we as People, as a community have to do to force a stop to war, to demand a continuation of  the implementation process Mr. President?

Mr. President: Is this Jieng Council of Elders so powerful, so insidious that you have no other option but to dishonour your word; taint your legacy beyond repair - Someone help, read these heartfelt words, this plea to our Joshua, a man who can save South Sudan from burning like Wau so he may know Peace is wanted so much in this land stained by blood.

 Wau burning - Again! (January 2016) 


Is the problem, Warmonger Ministers, like the deeply abrasive and deceptive Michael Makuei; or General Paul Malong - architect of the December 2013 war - pushing for the extermination of all Nuer, all native Peoples of Equatoria, with foreign mercenary help?

Suffice to say all know the truth now (see JMEC statement, link) and who to blame if a new civil war starts again, if even I, Abu  Deng am murdered now in Juba for speaking truth, a needed truth!


This is a message from a colleague on his family in Wau:

A 15 year old niece of my wife just sent messages about how precarious the situation is in Wau, with them locked in their house and fear of starvation to death, after two days of no eating. 
This morning a Kenyan friend of mine who sent me an email reporting what his cousin working for an international NGO is Wau disclosed to him. He said his cousin told of how soldiers of one ethnic group are carrying out targeting killings of anybody who is not from their tribe. The guy also reported that they were about to be evacuated to Nairobi . . . We have relatives of the victims in that    picture in AD's blog...

Another message from a high-ranking political figure:

At the Church service this morning at All Saints Cathedral, Juba; Bishop Moses Deng of the Episcopal Diocese of Wau gave a graphic account of the extent of pillage and ransacking; as well as the deliberate civilian devastation based on ethnicity in Wau. I also have just spoken to the sister-in-law of my elder brother who has now managed to take shelter with UNMISS at their Protection of Civilians facility in Wau who has confirmed the same. While screaming in horror, she could not imagine if the seams of our social fabric could be mended again. She is anxious about the safety of her relatives who have not reached the facility as yet. So, Maburuk to SPLM-IG that it is "mision cumplida" at last: POC in Juba, POC in Malakal, and now POC in Wau! As if the extreme destruction of lives, livelihoods, and infrastructure in Upper Nile and Equatoria wasn't sufficient enough to justify the reversal we have suffered as a nation, some genius somewhere thought it was wise to take these crises further to engulf Bahr el Ghazal.

The UN Secretary General has asked warring parties to stop fighting in Wau - link

“The Secretary-General calls on all fighting forces to immediately suspend the hostilities, provide access to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and cooperate with humanitarian partners to facilitate the delivery of assistance. He urges all parties to agree to dialogue to resolve their political disputes,” said a statement attributable to the office of Mr. Ban's spokesperson.

Finally, the end is not the end, the Information Minister of South Sudan Mr. Michael Makuei has told the world that the violence said by eyewitnesses and NGOs to be done soldiers - was actually committed by a new group in Wau led by Ali Tarmim Fartak, who is leading an Islamic Fundamentalist movement there. A lies says local Wau leaders.

According to the Info Minister, the group's fighters include some from Uganda's Lord Resistance Army, as well as members of Sudan's Janjaweed....really, this seems fantastical and over-the-top in the style of Mr. Makuei (a comical Ali understudy!)

So, is this an attempt to gain favour with the West: hey, look we killed some terrorists, AND a few civilians, children, raped some women too, but we took out some terrorists OR an ignorant and failed attempt to cover up war atrocities which the UN Security Council termed yesterday as possible war crimes, see Security Council Press Statement on Fighting in Wau, South Sudan, the link

The problem for Mr. Makuei and the current quasi-government (minus a transitional Legislature and judiciary - delayed so President Kiir can choose the Speaker, not the Legislature as its rules dictate, see link) IS this:

while the government said officially 43 are dead, maybe 50 in recent updates AND only 1000 were displaced -Yet, the UN Security Council says this:

The members of the Security Council expressed deep alarm at the fighting in Wau, South Sudan, which broke out on 24 June and has resulted in the displacement of an estimated 70,000 people, including 12,000 sheltering near the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) base in Wau. 
The members of the Security Council called on all armed actors immediately to cease hostilities and allow UNMISS and humanitarian access to civilians in need, including a school where 9,000 civilians are reportedly sheltering.
Thousands are is revealed!

Hundreds possibly dead..."We don’t yet know how many people were killed, but dead bodies are still lying in the streets." #MSF see link

Therefore this tragedy seems a window in the 'old' government ways, one uncaring for its people, seen by the hungry masses and homeless...time for change!!!


                                                               the end

* Photo source:

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Abu Deng's Analysis of the Process for the South Sudan Parliamentary Speaker Election - Updated

This is a needed exercise due to the serious political maneuvering seen in the media and the recent trips to JMEC by a Women's delegation and one trip to Addis Ababa by VP Wani Igga - it should be made clear to all: the Rule of Law should be supreme here, now! 

So if the IGAD or JMEC or even the President of South Sudan wishes to influence/dictate to us regarding this election - this is "Our" democratic process - all should stop,


There is a clear procedure written, approved and published by the National Legislative Assembly - the NLA Conduct of Business Regulations Manual (2011) - which states in Chapter III the exact procedures for electing a new Speaker. 

Additionally, the recent Peace Agreement, hereafter known as ARCISS, states specifically that the incoming Speaker for the Transitional government or TGONU shall come from the Equatoria region of South Sudan in section 11.4 of the agreement:

  • The selection of the Speaker of the TNLA, who hails from Equatoria, shall be conducted once the expansion of the membership of the Assembly is complete; 

In short: the former government, now a warring party, wrote, approved and published this NLA regulations handbook itself, including a procedure for electing a Speaker - so why now disregard its own rules and law.

The attempts by many to chose a Speaker outside the defined process is counterproductive to all that the international community has been trying to do in the nation-building experiment called The Republic of South Sudan. 

This review will focus on key issues of the electoral process that are being discussed/manipulated and repackaged into something different than what the procedures call for, so this post will focus the key themes:

  • Whom shall elect the Speaker
  • Agenda when electing the Speaker
  • Selection/qualification of the Presiding NLA Member during election
  • Form of voting required for the election of the Speaker

The excerpts in this post are taken from the above-mentioned NLA Handbook (note these are photographs - not copy-paste texts)


The rule in this regard says simply:

  • Members of the Assembly shall elect The Speaker from their number.

Clearly little interpretation or misinterpretation can happen from this well-defined sentence saying They, the members of the Legislative body of South Sudan, will elect the Speaker from among their ranks - not J1 or IGAD or AU nor the global community at large shall elect a Speaker but only the People's Representatives in the National Legislative Assembly.

One hopes the recent visit of Vice President Wani Igga to Addis Ababa was not to seek the IGAD's or Ethiopia's blessing for the IG candidate(s) because as the home of IGAD/AU and a long history of attempting to serve as a model for all African nations is too important to jeopardize over political favoritism.

Yet I hear of a Women's delegation visiting JMEC recently trying to influence this "expected" neutral monitoring body, to favor one candidate, albeit a female one - over others...

Dear JMEC Head please avoid/resist involvement in such political maneuverings for the credibility of your office will surely be questioned! Let democracy work...

Strikingly and hopefully duly noted by regional/international bodies, the chairman of the Equatoria Caucus in the NLA, Thomas Wani Kundu says the person chosen as Speaker can be from any party, just as long as he is from Equatoria:

“We need to sit together so that we can get one person… as long as he is from Equatoria,” Kundu said.

(See, South Sudan’s Equatorians begin race for parliament speaker -

One statement from the article above says,

The parties to the agreement have not however agreed on the mode of electing the speaker.

But of course this is not correct because a procedure on electing the Speaker is clearly defined in the Legislative Business Regulations handbook, including the form of this is a misguided notion.

Why not follow NLA's established rules and law? Why make such statements as this MP,

Last week, the chairperson for information at the parliament, Oliver Mori, said the speaker would come from the ruling SPLM party, claiming that James Wani Igga stepped down for Dr Riek Machar, an SPLM-IO.

News on this issue abound:

Equatoria Caucus Blames JMEC, TGoNU For Delay In Speaker Election

Salva Kiir wants Speaker of Parliament to be SPLM 


Here is another key issue:

  • No business shall be transacted in the Assembly, other than the election of The Speaker, when the Office of the Speaker is vacant.

The election of the Speaker is of such importance it should not be mixed with any other business of the NLA. The Assembly is expected to give this event its singularly-focused attention.


Here is another key yet controversial issue, as seen in media reports.

The rule says:

  • The most elderly Member of the Assembly shall serve as Presiding Officer for the election of The Speaker.

This issue has garnered attention in the media. While the "old" government/warring party wishes to select its Favorite, the current "illegal" Speaker of the NLA, the  Rt. Honorable Magok Rundial - Yet the NLA Business Procedure handbook says "The most elderly Member, who is General Peter Cirilo Swaka according to the Chairman of the Equatoria Caucus.

This is a "Rule of Law" issue, where law exists there is no need for political decisions which are more likely to cause problems, instability. Let process and regulation reign here.


This part is perhaps the most controversial issue of all, yet unnecessarily so given the rule is explicit,

  • Subject to the provisions of Sub-Regulation (10), the election of The Speaker shall be by secret ballot.

Given this government has entered into war with itself, killing thousands of its own citizens, in the most historically brutal way, according to local, regional and international reports/sources:

It cannot be trusted to be impartial - I think not - with death squads still roaming the streets of Juba and the nation, also called 'unknown gunmen'. No one is safe even the FVP, me or even a priest - and too, after learning this week South Sudan is the number one most violent nation in Africa, over Somalia, the Congo even Nigeria...

I think secret ballot voting is fine for this coming Speaker election, it is fair and is the prescribed method for this process approved by the South Sudan National Legislative Assembly in 2011, as seen above.

Conclusion: UPDATED

If JMEC, IGAD or J1 attempts to overstep/ignore the current Speaker election process, defined in our nation's legislative regulation handbook - this will be a serious violation of process, law and even a negative bite of the "Democracy Apple" the West has been trying so desperately to tempt Africa with for over a century - and which IGAD/AU has been a guiding light for in Africa as well.

Finally, even the Greater Equatoria Community (its Caucus) agrees too the key requirement is that the incoming Speaker comes from their region of Equatoria but not from a certain party, i.e., IG, FD, IO or Independent Parties.

President Kiir admits why the Government formation is delayed: Political manuvering

Doubting loyalty of SPLM Caucus
In his speech on Wednesday, meanwhile, Kiir expressed doubts about the loyalty of his own SPLM members of parliament, suggesting that they may select a speaker of parliament whom he does not approve. 
Selection of the new speaker has delayed formation of the Transitional National Assembly. 
"Our members of the parliament who are here should go and talk among themselves. Because we are told now that why don't you put it to elections? And you have the majority. I said no, I don't want it, and even I don't trust your majority. Yes, you have two-thirds in the parliament but if one-third goes and defects, what will happen? Well they will just give it to the other side. This is what we don't want." 
"I want you really to be clear about this. And most of the adopted children are in the parliament," he said, possibly in reference to members of the party who joined SPLM only late in the liberation struggle or after it had ended. 
South Sudan's peace deal says that the speaker of the assembly must be an Equatorian. Many members of the Equatorian Caucus, including those belonging to the SPLM, boycotted key recent votes on legislation supported by Kiir, including the National Security Service bill and proposed constitutional amendments intented to legalize the Establishment Order, which created 28 controversial new states.
Votes on both of those bills failed to reach quorum, in spite of the overwhelming numerical majority of SPLM in the assembly.
Chapter I, Article 11.4 of the peace deal states, "The selection of the Speaker of the TNLA, who hails from Equatoria, shall be conducted once the expansion of the membership of the Assembly is complete."
It further states that the duration and term of the transitional assembly shall run concurrently with the transitional government. According to some MPs who are critical of the delay forming the new assembly, this means that currently South Sudan has no legal parliament.

So the President is playing pure politics, trying to position his (IG) party to obtain the Speaker position while the nation starves waiting for the new government to be formed! 

Let Process rule Mr. President...and Democracy! Let the Legislative Assembly vote, as proscribed: under a secret ballot with its most senior NLA member presiding while no other business is being conducted (FULL STOP), as its rules dictate...

That is the Law of South Sudan - honour it please! 

Let "The People's Representatives" Choose . . .


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Obstruction, Inconsistencies and Lies, the foundation of the Transitional Government of South Sudan

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart I share this news related to the unfortunate outcomes of war, bad governance: a father shot himself dead after his children died from starvation just outside Juba town in the New Site area yesterday, Monday, 20 June 2016 - see link

God Bless his Soul and his children - may they know Peace . . .

This is my first blogg in ages, months, over a year in fact - in part due to the pressure and threat to my family based now in Africa and which I am now separated from - in part due to this terrible costly war but I push on towards justice, democracy, accountability and PEACE...

I have been promising to write a blogg post for a while since my arrival in Juba but because of their impact I waited, to watch and see if the Government of South Sudan would honour its promise of:
  • Peace
  • Prosperity
  • Cessation of Hostilities
  • Reconciliation
  • A Transitional Government of National Unity
Yet, after 55 days; delay after delay occur, resulting in no 'real' progress besides a government shell minus a legislative body and a judiciary (free from relatives of the executive branch).

The recent announcement of all/most of the transitional government issues resolved was a publicity stunt, a circus act meant to lure in international donors to drop some quarters into the pockets of the numerous officials with wifes/girlfriends to maintain at home and abroad in regional capitals, oh, plus school fees for both dependent groups!

It has become clear that desperation is thick in the clouds over Juba with the recent New York Times op-ed fiasco, see my recent analysis on this farce.

Bottom line is Juba needs cash, and willing to do anything to get some dollars.

For me, the delays shows a lack of serious intent (code word for:  obstruction) on the former government's part in my view and it seems Dear "Friends" that the carrot must be withdrew and replaced with a Teddy Roosevelt-size Stick - IF nothing happens today positively in the Council of Ministers...I have several obstructors I've been monitoring for some time, as well some names which I need to send to the recently named Human Rights Council special body reporting on human rights in South Sudan...

This is a short piece - to the point: while thousands suffer from hunger, insecurity, dirty water and no medical care The President refuses to sign agreed upon Council of Ministers Resolutions so implementation can occur...

Add too, yesterday's tragic suicide by a father/soldier who felt he had no reason to live
without his children, his family - yet his bosses and local officials ignored his plea for help.


While hunger grips our soldiers and the nation with an iron fist; the President, his Advisors and the Elites dine on fine food... I saw his new and controversial Army Spokesman Lul Ruai Koang out eating roasted meat while entertaining numerous guests - yet,

Our young children under age five are dying daily of hunger and simple ailments; our Junub brain surgeons murdered in their bedrooms, see the second article below from for a moving and tragic portrait of life in Juba for the ordinary and the Elite.

Dear Western Friends

Do not give a Juba a dime, a cent until a real government is established (A /the Transtional Parliament; an unbiased Judiciary, untainted by family connections); ministry managers, officials and staff from all parties and true cooperation/governance occurs.

Some examples below to give insight into the character of the current government's leadership and the depths of despair in the nation for all, high and low:

1) Who Wrote the New York Times Op-ed? See link

1a) Who wrote that South Sudan op-ed? The New York Times isn’t sure. See link

2) In South Sudan, It’s Hard to Tell the Soldiers From the Criminals - (A Must Read!!!)

See link

3) JMEC chair says disturbed by 'harassment' of UN Women by Makuei - see link

3a) 'I will shut down the UN' says South Sudan's information minster - see link

4) A new global scandal has broken - involving the Spokesman and his tricks!

The Presidential Spokesman is now involved a new scandal, he apparently told a media house in an interview on Monday, 21 June about receiving a letter from the Troika (US, UK and Norway), demanding the firing of the Finance Minister and the Head of the Central Bank (BOSS) before these allies would transfer any money to the South.

However, by Tuesday, Troika was issuing a statement denying any such letter, and 4 hours later Mr. Ateny on his Facebook page was denying making such claims, instead putting the blame on EyeRadio as the source of the letter and it alleged contents. But, On Wednesday EyeRadio released a transcript of the conversation between the Presidential Spokesperson and its reporter Rosemary Alfred and the audio, judge the yourself but lies and inconsistencies abound again, like with the New York Times op-ed supposedly written by the President and the First Vice President:

The alleged Troika letter: Eye Radio reacts - see link

As, well, the Sudan Tribune has explored the issue well exposing this case:

Audio: Eye Radio challenges S. Sudan presidential spokesman on Troika letter - see link

Note: one of the hallmarks of this government is its selective use of the Rule of Law when it seems to fit the government's agenda. It makes a mockery of democracy and justice, case in point, a presidential decree in late April ended the old government, including all organs and branches, but today the "old" Parliament operates, as well as the Judiciary. How, on what legal basis?

What about the recent transfer of ministries, in the ten opposition ones most of the assets was taken/stolen, meaning computers, vehicles, even files - places like the Ministry of Interior were stripped bare!!!

(Expect a "shadow" national security apparatus me thinks in the South now).

So where is the law here, why no charges of unlawful possession of government  assets? No prison for those taking sensitive files and equipment!


Can you hear the silence from J1...word is the Council of Ministers is going to authorise
the repurchase of more vehicles for incoming ministries (Car-gate scandal coming we should expect).

So is that right, this government is going to let former ministers and officials just take cars and other government property without recourse - legal or otherwise AND at the same time  ask Western donors to fund such folly???

These and other acts (like not signing CoM resolutions by our Dear President) since April 2016 amount to obstruction to the peace plan.

And now the infamous Sudanese rebel group JEM in Lol State - South Sudan, what will Sudan say after so many promises from the Juba government it does/will not support Sudanese rebels - lies and inconsistencies abound everywhere even today it seems.

Let us wait for the outcome of the Council of Ministers meeting  and the "required" signatory action by President Kiir - soon, hopefully, given the suicide of a grieving father over the loss of his children due to starvation, AND the recent new that South Sudan has the highest inflation rate currently in the world at 295 percent, according to our national statistics bureau!

On JEM, visit JEM forces enter Raja, governor back in town, see link


For those interested in the criminal possibilities of non-cooperation, a global asset recovery mechanism is in place for the missing BILLIONS, even President Kiir has asked for help and it is here, working - BE WARNED!

You cannot pay those mistresses' rents from Den Hague (FYI, if you check my Blogg visitor's log you will see one of the top nations viewing my site is Netherlands, the home of international court. Yes, think about it!!!


As well, the United Nations Human Rights Council has just chosen the members of the South Sudan HR Monitoring body; their credentials are impressive:

Ms. Yasmin Sooka (South Africa) is a leading human rights lawyer. She is currently the Executive Director of the Foundation for Human Rights in South. Ms. Sooka served on the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission from 1996-2001 and chaired the committee responsible for the final report from 2001-2003. She was appointed by the United Nations to serve on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Sierra Leone from 2002-2004. Since 2000, she has also been a member of the Advisory Body on the Review of Resolution 1325. In July 2010, Ms. Sooka was appointed to the three-member Panel of Experts advising the Secretary General on accountability for war crimes committed during the final stages of the war in Sri Lanka.

Mr. Kenneth Scott (United States) is a researcher on South Sudan with Amnesty International. He was appointed Amicus Curiae Prosecutor at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on 4 March 2014. Mr. Scott was previously a senior prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) from 1998-2011. Prior to his work with ICTY, Mr. Scott was an Assistant United States Attorney and Chief of the Complex Prosecutions Section in the prosecution office, focusing primarily on complex white-collar and financial crimes from 1985-1997. He has also taught international law, constitutional law and the U.S. judicial system at U.S. universities.

Mr. Godfrey M Musila (Kenya) is currently a legal consultant for Avocats sans Frontieres established by the Ugandan judiciary. From 2015-2016, he served as the head of International Criminal Law Research Program at International Nuremberg Principles Academy in Germany. He was a lead researcher at African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan (AUCISS) in 2014. As the director of Kenyan Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) in 2010, he conceptualised and authored several chapters on the said topic. Mr. Musila is also an experienced lecturer on international law, international criminal law and human rights law at universities in Africa including Kenya and South Africa.

The End, plus a start! (of Justice)

Abu Deng